The 6th Rab Film Festival started with a screening of the “Les Indésirables”, a film by Ladj Ly. The leading actors from “Les Indésirables” Anta Diaw and Aristote Luzindula presented the film at the opening ceremony. This screening is also the first Croatian screeing for this, second Ladj Ly film. Ly opened the first RAFF six yearst ago, with his first feature film “Les Miserables”.

The festival was opened by its general manager, the alpha and omega of Rab Film Festival Robert Tomić Zuber, who is happy with this edition’s quality, but also more than pleased how the festival developed in the past six years.

Before the opening ceremony, the guests and participants of RAFFs programs, among them jury members, RAFF generation lecturers, sponsors and partners of RAFF, were greeted at a small cocktail party.

You can take a look at highlights at our gallery.